The energy of love IS the only thing that exists. It is life itself. It is only natural that least effort would be expended when going with the true nature of creation, rather than fighting or resisting it. Let us learn this much sooner rather than later.
This morning I am feeling cranky about our "health care" system in the U.S. The system has become such a greedy, money-driven failure because the patient is NOT the customer, therefore NOT the top priority of the care provider. The actual customer is insurance, be it "health" insurance or malpractice insurance. The first action on any medical visit is to satisfy insurance requirements.
Here's my current "cranky-making" example. Because I have had my hip replaced, before I can have ANY dental procedure (yes, even cleaning), I have to take antibiotic pills an hour before the visit. I do not want to take these pills, and I am not concerned about an infection. This is strictly to "cover the dental office's ass," to satisfy insurance. They can mumble about this being good for me, but the real motivation is very clear. I DO have a choice here--I could lie about taking the pills, but that is not a good option because I am a lousy liar.
Let us be motivated by love, not insurance!

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