On day 4 (Monday), I had non-gluten grains in the form of corn (corn chips) and rice. My left hip and leg were a bit sore on Tuesday and Tuesday night, but I'm not sure if it was the grains or the fact that I did way more walking on Monday than I usually do. I have been told in the past to avoid corn, and a while back, I stopped eating (almost daily) Fritos and noticed within a few days a big improvement in my body soreness level. So more experimentation is worthy relative to corn. Rice I can take or leave, so I'm not that concerned about its effect. I did not have any noticeable gastro-intestinal effects from the grains.
I am also working on the consciousness of believing I'm fat no matter what I weigh. I have a wonderful support system to help me change that belief, and progress is being made.
Next reintroduction is gluten on day 7, Thursday. I have purchased two cans of beer (rather than a whole six-pack, ain't that impressive!?!?) and will probably also give some form of dough a try.
More to discover...
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