Sunday, December 22, 2024

December 22--BREATHE!

I have been bent and broken, but--I hope--into a better shape.  --Charles Dickens

    As the actual holiday of Christmas Day approaches, I think it might be a good idea to pause and take a deep breath or two. Here is a breath prayer by Christine Aroney-Sine:
Breathe in the breath of God

Breathe out your cares and concerns

Breathe in the love of God

Breathe out your doubts and despairs

Breathe in the life of God

Breathe out your fears and frustrations

We sit quietly before the One who gives life and love to all creation

We sit in awe of the One who formed us in our mother’s womb

We sit at peace surrounded by the One who fills every fibre of our being

Breathe in the breath of God

Breath out your tensions and turmoil

Breathe in the love of God

Breathe out your haste and hurry

Breathe in the life of God

Breathe out your work and worry

We sit quietly before the One who gives life and love to all creation

We sit in awe of the One who formed us in our mothers’ wombs

We sit at peace surrounded by the One who fills every fibre of our being
Let us add peace to the world rather than fear and despair.

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