Friday, December 20, 2024

December 20--TACM

If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.  --Dolly Parton

    I believe I have written in the past about The Annual Christmas Meltdown. At least once every Christmastime I have a full-scale soul-rinsing cry. It has actually been on Christmas Day many times and that can be annoying. It is often a mixture of happy and sad tears. TACM was this week on Wednesday. I received some news early in the day which triggered a massive amount of emotion (anger, hurt, grief), and I let it run its course over the day. Smacking around a pickleball helped vent some energy. Tears carried away much frustration. I sat in the dark and prayed for "help!" And I finally came to the conclusion that the news I received was actually none of my business, that I should adopt the wisdom to "not take anything personally," get my good Christmastime attitude back in place, and move on with life.   
    One day at a time,
Our friends' fabulous antique
aluminum Christmas tree!!!

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