Words from Sally Robbins:
"It's so easy for our human minds to come up with reasons to shelve our dreams. Too old, too broke, not enough training... blah, blah, blah. We can choose to listen to that critical voice, or we can choose to move forward anyway."
While I was away on a week-long trip, someone I had seen in a band the weekend before I left died suddenly. While it was not someone I knew personally, it does give me reason to pause and consider. We are not guaranteed any particular amount of time here. Do I want to reach the end of my days here without having tried everything I can think of that may bring me joy? Do I want to live my days in worry, fear or stressed out (most likely about something over which I have no control)?
Let's be among the those who reach the end with NO regrets. Join me on this 3-month intensive adventure: BE in Love With Your Life! Details here: http://www.believeenterprises.com/Spiritual_Development.html
If you've made it this far, you know that the Universe has provided for you in amazing and bountiful ways, and that when you set your mind and heart to something, nothing is impossible. Join me. We are going to rock, have fun, laugh, grow, and dream.
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