--Margery Williams
The test of a psychologically mature person and, therefore, a spiritually mature one, will be found in his or her capacity to handle what we might call the Triple A’s: anxiety, ambiguity and ambivalence. -- James Hollis
I was pretty fascinated by the Hollis quote. Initial glances lead me to think that I'm not very good with the "Triple A's." Let's dig deeper. Though I did not know what (clinical) anxiety was until a few years ago, that realization made it clear that I have been anxious most of my life. So I guess I've been handling it.
Ambiguity is "the quality of being open to more than one interpretation." I like to think I am open-minded, but I know I also have a very judgmental person within me. And yes I do like to be "right."
Ambivalence is "the state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone." Geez, I could say this is the story of my life. It seems to me that any sort of close relationship is going to generate some ambivalence. I am currently ambivalent about playing golf. I think the "Triple A's" deserve more consideration...

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