Amen to that! The cruelty that is abounding in our world today is baffling to me. It is physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Abusing others (in our seemingly infinite variety of ways) takes effort--STOP IT! Why after all these centuries do we still think war and killing solve anything? Alas, the majority of Americans apparently want cruelty and abuse because they just elected a leader who is the poster child for those things.
From Richard Rohr in his Daily Meditation of Nov 10:
I’m convinced that beneath the ugly manifestations of our present evils—political corruption, ecological devastation, warring against one another, hating each other based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or nationality—the greatest dis-ease facing us right now is our profound and painful sense of disconnection. We feel disconnected from God certainly, but also from ourselves (especially our bodies), from each other, and from our world. Our sense of this fourfold isolation is plunging humanity into increasingly destructive behavior and much mental distress.
We are seeing the gross failure of our public education and religious systems. They have not done the job of "showing a person who he should be." There is a mandate in the Oklahoma public school system now that requires teaching the Bible as part of lesson plans. Fortunately there is a lawsuit attempting to stop this. How about teaching a civics lesson on separation of church and state?!?!
Climbing down from my soap box now,

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