Sunday, March 13, 2016

Mother Earth

     I am blessed on my workdays that about 15 minutes of my drive to and from work take me through the glorious fertile farmlands of the midwest. In the past few weeks, it has gone from brown soil with the seeds preparing to burst to the rich emerald green of sprouted wheat. But this isn't the only beauty. These wheat fields stretch on for miles of relatively flat ground, leaving huge expanses of sky for the most awesome sunrises and sunsets one might imagine. Mother Earth truly is the finest artist!
     I am blessed to notice these things and appreciate them. It makes for a great start to a workday and comforting drive home. Can you find something of beauty on your way to and from work? Can you find something big and awe-inspiring to be curious about? Can you simply enjoy a full breath of truly fresh air? Mother Earth is full of treasures for us!
     Loving nature,

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