Sunday, March 20, 2016

Continuing with the Mother Earth theme

     I'm reading a very interesting book about taking responsibility for one's own health. There are a lot of questions in it. The question that fits this blog post theme is, "Do you take walks, garden, or have other regular contact with Nature?"
     At the moment, Sunday is my only day off. I want to be lazy and watch non-stop basketball. However, I made myself go out and do more garden clean-up. I really do love gardening, it's just getting myself motivated to go outside. And guess what? I feel better. Fresh air, green grass, bright sunshine on my skin, loads of weeds in the trash, a feeling of accomplishment, an appreciation for the wide variety of growing things in our little spot of Mother Earth.
     Let's remember how good it feels to be in the sunshine, breathe fresh air, and move about in Nature. Our health and happiness depend on it!

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