Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Get Comfortable

This is by Melodie Bellagio, RScP, her 5/27/12 Daily Guide in Science of Mind magazine.  It's worth sharing here...

Has anyone else noticed how much we complain? Complaining has become an epidemic in our country. Often, the first thing said when we meet someone is a complaint, which elicits a comparable or worse complaint from the other person, and so it goes. It seems harmless, but it's really not. Complaining can rob us of ease and spread discontent while, much of the time, it's become a habitual way of connecting.
I like being comfortable, and for me to be comfortable requires that I do and say those things that I believe in, have confidence in, and truly enjoy. I'm comfortable when I care for myself, practice what I believe, spend time with positive people, and go places that uplift me. In general, to be comfortable means that I'm living in alignment with my values. Some regular housekeeping is necessary to be comfortable with myself and my life.
Your job, should you decide to accept it, is to love yourself enough to create comfort in your life: release those things that don't resonate with your inner guidance, and nurture what does.
AFFIRMATION: I am willing to do what it takes to be comfortable.

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