Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Get Comfortable

This is by Melodie Bellagio, RScP, her 5/27/12 Daily Guide in Science of Mind magazine.  It's worth sharing here...

Has anyone else noticed how much we complain? Complaining has become an epidemic in our country. Often, the first thing said when we meet someone is a complaint, which elicits a comparable or worse complaint from the other person, and so it goes. It seems harmless, but it's really not. Complaining can rob us of ease and spread discontent while, much of the time, it's become a habitual way of connecting.
I like being comfortable, and for me to be comfortable requires that I do and say those things that I believe in, have confidence in, and truly enjoy. I'm comfortable when I care for myself, practice what I believe, spend time with positive people, and go places that uplift me. In general, to be comfortable means that I'm living in alignment with my values. Some regular housekeeping is necessary to be comfortable with myself and my life.
Your job, should you decide to accept it, is to love yourself enough to create comfort in your life: release those things that don't resonate with your inner guidance, and nurture what does.
AFFIRMATION: I am willing to do what it takes to be comfortable.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Supporting those things that are important to you

I've been thinking a lot about stores or services I value, and if I truly am supporting them to help them continue to thrive.  One instance is a store that is unique in Wichita, where I've shopped for years.  Yep, supporting that one.  Another is a support group I've attended for years. Well, yes, I mostly support that.  I've been aware that I sometimes have the thought that OTHERS are supporting it, so it will always be there for ME, even if I don't feel like supporting it consistently.  That's not necessarily so.  If it's important to me, I need to support it. 
Over the years I've seen quite a few services come and go, and I've experienced that in my own little "conglomerate" of services.  Don't depend on others to support stores or services you value--take a stand and support them yourself.  It's a win-win for everyone!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Fearless Love

Recently my 2 sons and grand-puppy Dusty visited Tuttle Lake near Manhattan, Kansas.  We went to a part of the lake with rocky edges; the ledge we relaxed on was probably 25 feet above the water's surface.  Humans could have climbed down and up the rocks VERY carefully, but it would take a while to navigate.

Dusty is a Golden Retriever, wired to retrieve, that is, it is his nature.  I witnessed an amazing feat.  Derek, from the ledge, threw a floating frisbee into the water, and Dusty literally RAN down the rocks, leapt into the water, got the frisbee, raced back up the rocks, and brought back the frisbee to Derek.  There was no fear or caution in Dusty, he went after that frisbee and nothing was stopping him--his love for Derek was completely revealed and he was unstoppable as he determinedly swam to the disc and returned it to Derek.  This joyful game of fetch was repeated probably a dozen times, and Dusty didn't slow down.

Something to ponder--is there anything in your life that you go after with a passion you'd describe as "fearless love"?  Is that something you'd like to experience?  I can help--call me at 316-722-9617.

Love and Blessings,