Wednesday, September 11, 2013


     I recently had it lovingly pointed out to me that one of the ways to release unhelpful, lingering "stuff" from the past is to shed those unshed tears. OK, I'm good with that, I don't have a problem crying.
     But alas, I generally need something to get me started. Whoa, did the Universe deliver today! I was a bit teary at home this morning, and then my brother dropped the bomb--he and his wife had put down their dog, a magnificent Golden Retriever named Ben, and he had forgotten (in his grief, no doubt) to tell me. I only saw this dog occasionally, but I adored him. Let the floodgates be opened!
     I've been crying off and on all day. My son also has a Golden Retriever, Dusty, three years old, and I adore him, too. I can't even begin to bear the thought of anything bad happening to Dusty.
     I'm exhausted from crying. My nose and eyes hurt. But I do feel lighter and more open. I love how crying, even if I have no clue what it's about, can clean out a multitude of gunk. It's gone, and I don't care what it was. Tears are a blessing.
With love and joy,

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