Wednesday, February 12, 2025

February 12--I'm Back, Sort Of

That's what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway.  --John Green

    I'm finally able to return to the blog posts without crying. I'm just going to pick up with the quotes where I left off, since they are all about LOVE anyway. 
    I don't know if I'm back really. However, a week from Saturday, I leave on a six-week tour of Australia, New Zealand and Bali. I leave winter here, go to summer there, and return in early April to spring here. I think that's about the best planning ever! I intend to use the blog as my travel log as many folks have asked me to do so. 
    SIX weeks!???! I want to go to all three places, and I only want to make the LLLOOONNNGGG journey over there one time. I've waited literally for years for the two tours to line up. We leave on the 22nd and fly to Houston, then San Francisco, then across the Pacific Ocean to Melbourne, arriving on the 24th. So I'm not sure when my first actual travel-log post will be. Therefore...
One of our Bali resorts
(can you say "died and gone to heaven!!"??)

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