Friday, September 9, 2016

Paying Attention to our Bodies

     I was reading a Yoga for Healthy Aging column, and Jill Satterfield (yoga teacher) used this phrase: "the physical feeling of this is enough from the often-confused mental/emotional sense of this is enough." This really impacted me. Just last night I told a friend that I have this voice in my head that keeps saying, "You should do more." It drives me nuts.
     Our culture is SO about "not enough." We don't have enough, we don't do enough, we simply aren't enough. It drives me nuts. Because of this mentality surrounding us, as well as internal, family or other influences, we often override our body's sense of time-to-rest with the "often-confused" mentality to push ourselves more. This is not a good long-term plan--it leads to stress and all sorts of life complications. 
     Only we can decide when enough is enough, and then actually stop. This is a very valuable skill to cultivate. Ms. Satterfield closed with this: "listening to ourselves—body, heart and mind—is probably one of the most valuable supports we have in taking great care of ourselves."
     Self-care is not selfish!

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