Saturday, January 4, 2025

January 4-Should I Stay or Should I Go?

You have to pick the places you don't walk away from.  --Joan Didion

    My son said in a recent conversation that he has seen me "walk away from." His saying that shook me a bit, but upon further consideration, yes, that's the case. As a young adult, I walked away from some family-of-origin stuff for self-preservation. Relationships end if one doesn't put in some effort. I know there are "friendships" that have fallen by my wayside. I think most folks have had a toxic/negative/draining relationship at one time or another wherein they have chosen to walk away. 
    I have to admit that there is some appeal for me to chuck it all and walk away. I could be a hermit-- think Henry David Thoreau, "On Walden Pond"--with no problem. Does everyone have that feeling at some point--the "leave it all behind" feeling? It's fun to fantasize about such a big change, but I wouldn't do it. I love my family, my home, my woman-cave, my friends, my dog. So despite the occasional day-dream, this is one place I'm not walking away from, at least for now. Who knows what the future holds?
    It has been an interesting two months not looking at any news. That has been a place I have walked away from. The occasional tidbit has made its way through to me. My intent is to stay away from current events through at least the next presidential administration. It is much better for my sanity to walk away. 
    Staying? Walking away? One choice is not necessarily better than the other!
Sweet Barney with his Christmas bunny

Friday, January 3, 2025

January 3--Loving Color

Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least. 

    I'm not sure I get this one. Mentally playing around with it isn't helping, so I'll just leave it to you. 
    I have completed another painting, and this time, no green Frog Tape gave its life. I have had several folks tell me they recognize it is a tree, but like no tree one sees in nature. That's what I was aiming for, and I like my efforts. Tools used were finger, brush and sponge.
    Painting helps me to stay "in the moment," yet move "outside my box." Ideas for the next creation are currently developing...

Thursday, January 2, 2025

January 2--Is That Important?

To love deeply in one direction makes us more loving in all others. 
--Anne-Sophie Swetchine

You can change how you feel in the twinkling of an eye if you just change what you view as important. --Mike Dooley, Notes from the Universe, Dec. 30

    The Dooley quote is a biggie for me. How I feel directly influences my ability to love, first in the direction of myself, then in the direction of others. I have clung to the idea that to alter how I feel, I have to change my thinking. Yes, but more specifically, I need to consider what I view as important. It's a small change really, but a big perspective change for me. The primary thing that has been distressing me over the past couple of years is clearly something that I have given too much importance. For good reason, it was something I had been looking forward to for decades, and the potential fizzled almost overnight, and it sent me into a tailspin. Now I can ask myself, when I'm upset about something, if it is really an important item. 
    Pickleball and girlfriend game night are the important fun items for today. Let's go, 2025!
A magnificent Kansas sunset earlier this week

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

January 1--Embracing 2025

If you can love someone with your whole heart, even one person, then there's salvation in life.  --Haruki Murakami

But in our inter-vulnerability is our salvation, because awareness of the mutuality of suffering impels us to search for ways to heal the whole, rather than encase ourselves in a bubble of denial and impossible individualism.  --Miriam Greenspan

    We begin the second half of the decade with commitment being the January theme in "Daily Love." 
    The photo below was taken a few weeks ago south of Wichita. Those are giant bales of cotton. Cotton-growing in this area is relatively new, and though I don't know the details, I've heard that harvesting is a complex process. Well, yes, it would be something to see--taking those bits of fluff off small plants and making those enormous bales. I was struck by how we take our comfy cotton sheets for granted, failing to remember that nature and our spectacular planet had to GROW those fibers, and a huge amount of work and people were involved in getting those fibers from the field to my bed! Likewise, did you grow all the food you ate yesterday? Did you grow and harvest the trees that provided the lumber to build your house? Did you build your car? Let us commit in 2025 to expand our appreciation and care for our awesome Mother Earth and the people who create things to make our lives so good.
    Outside of St. Louis on I-370 is a billboard that simply says PLEASE & THANK YOU. In some ways, it is distressing that one must go to such lengths to encourage kindness and consideration. Let us commit in 2025 to use those words more often and spread kindness in each interaction. 

Bless this year with love and light.
  Bless this year with faith and sight. 
  Bless this year with grace and ease. 
 Bless this year with joy and peace. 
--Mary Davis
    Here we go!
Cotton bales near Mulvane, Kansas